Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Parties to Decide Whether or Not to Have Parties

Two years ago we had a bang- up party with 100 people to celebrate Bud and his friend Charlie's 70th birthday.  We forgot nothing. We had entertainment, fake telegrams from prime ministers and presidents, real messages from friends and family, dinner, live music, dancing -- everything. 

 It was so much fun that we did it again ( without the birthday reason ), with  a working committee of 12 couples the following year.  It looked like we'd be continuing on into the sunset with these parties.  So, after PARTY # 2, the "working committee" had a party to evaluate the party and set the date for the next party, as well as the pre- planning party ( are you still with me? ).  This year's pre- planning party was for June.  June rolled around and we had our pre-party committee party ( what a blast ) and decided NOT TO HAVE A PA RTY.  

Wow, NO PARTY.  Now that was a big decision.  So, we thought we'd better have a " committee"party in September to decide whether or not deciding to NOT HAVE A PARTY was a good decision.

We gathered last night to have a post NO PARTY party to see if we made the right decision. ( The photo catches us at a staid moment when Bud is calling for the critical vote on whether or not we did the right thing.)

It was unanimous.  The June vote to NOT HAVE A PARTY  was the right decision.  We'd all had an amazingly busy summer.  We couldn't have done a party.  Ah - but what about next year?  Another vote.  NO PARTY. 

 But we chose a date to get together again next June.  We even chose the place.  We'd have a "committee" party to decide whether or not we really should have a party... a kind of second chance to see if we really wanted to have a party. 

I can only conclude that party animals will always find a reason to have a party --- even if there is no PARTY!

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