Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blue Water

Daughter Kate, who advises me on well-being issues and sells some wonderful products through Life Force International, has been telling me that I don't drink enough water.  She's right,  when I'm in Nova Scotia.

In Colorado and Arizona, everyone carries water bottles around with them. We are all very water conscious there.  It's hot and dry and dusty. You can almost see your skin cracking before your eyes.

You're thirsty there.  You drink.

Here in Nova Scotia, there's water everywhere.  It rains, it's damp, skin is moisturized, happy.  I'm not thirsty. I forget to drink water.

Take that beautiful blue bottle you bought at Frenchy's ( my favorite thrift shop ) and fill it with water every day",  Kate said. "Leave it on the counter in plain view and drink it all. "

     So I fill it daily, and I'm drinking the water.

The bottle is Italian, and used in France for  fruit juice.  I looked it up on the web and found out it was worth $10  and is made of cobalt glass.  My resident chemist ( Bud ) assured me that the cobalt doesn't leach into the water, but I looked it up anyway and he was right ( no real surprise there ).  In the searching, I found another website that said water ionized by the sun through a blue bottle was calming, good for blood pressure, thyroid and other issues.

My bottle has been sitting on the counter.  In the sun.  I've been very calm lately.   hmm.

p.s. If you don't have a blue bottle, the article mentions Harvey's Bristol Cream bottles which are a beautiful blue.  You could drink the Harvey's, which is very calming, then ionize your water in the sun and keep the calmness going.

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